JCM Taiko second hand
produs reconditionat JCM garantie 3 luni ID003, pulse, paralel
produs reconditionat JCM garantie 3 luni ID003, pulse, paralel
Recycles two denominations, up to 100 notes each Field-proven, industry’s best anti-stringing technology Future proof, state-of-the-art sensor package Roller Friction Recycling Technology
Acceptor de bancnote cu tehnologie CIS (Contact Image Sensor) 2 procesoare de mare performanta Viteza de procesare intre bacnote rapida Bezel inclus, optional Sentry Bezel Capacitate de stocare 600 bacnote
JCM Vega poate fi oferit cu o unitate optionala de recycler (Vega-RC), care poate efectua plati de pana la 30 de bancnote. Are un stacker/cutie de bani cu incuietoare si are doua versiuni SD/stacker down si SU/stacker up..
Vega-RC recycler poate fi montat deasupra acceptorului oferind avantaje considerabile atat operatorilor cat si clientilor Dvs, in termeni de costuri de intretinere si convenienta.
Vega poate fi instalat pe aproape orice terminal de joc, iar Vega-RC elimina sau reduce necesitatea prezentei casierilor in locatiile dvs.
Automatic Centering Able to Accept up to 85mm Wide Banknotes Integrated Mechanical PB (Anti Stringing / Fishing) Unit
Accepta RON Interfata ID003 Memorie 8MB/optional 16MB Auto-centrare bancnota Comunicare USB
Robust design with thick plastic frame Cash box capacity options of 300/500/1000 notes Under 2 seconds for note-to-note acceptance 6 wavelengths of high-precision optical sensors