

acceptanta ridicata interfata puls, MDB rata de aceptanta 96% autocalibrare

Incuietoare cu cheie dreapta - K/D

forme de chei variabile 45 mm lungime 2 X chei / iala serii diferite

Incuietoare Flatkey STS

20 mm lungime serii identice 2 X chei / iala

Incuietoare Giussani G8

iala de siguranta sporita 20 mm lungime 2 X chei / iala

Incuietori radiale K/A 22 MM

Lowe and Fletcher 22mm, K/A serii identice

Incuietori radiale K/A 30MM

Lowe and Fletcher 30mm K/A serii identice

Incuietori radiale K/D 18MM

Lowe and Fletcher 18mm, K/D serii diferite

Incuietori radiale K/D 22 MM

Lowe and Fletcher 22mm K/D serii diferite

Incuietori radiale K/D 30MM

Lowe and Fletcher 30mm K/D seriii diferite

JCM DBV®-400 Bill Validator

Robust design with thick plastic frame Cash box capacity options of 300/500/1000 notes Under 2 seconds for note-to-note acceptance 6 wavelengths of high-precision optical sensors

JCM iPRO Recycler

Recycles two denominations, up to 100 notes each Field-proven, industry’s best anti-stringing technology Future proof, state-of-the-art sensor package Roller Friction Recycling Technology

JCM Taiko second hand

produs reconditionat JCM garantie 3 luni ID003, pulse, paralel